供应TPU 德国拜耳 385S 注塑级,机械强度高
供应TPU 德国拜耳 385E 挤出级,高机械强度 用途:应用于薄膜、软管
供应TPU 德国拜耳 192 变速杆球柄、滚轴、连轴器、鞋跟注塑级
供应TPU 德国拜耳 260 注塑级 应用于脚轮、索环和密封件
供应TPU 德国拜耳 285 注塑、挤出、吹塑
供应TPU 德国拜耳 3385 具有稳定性和易脱模的挤塑品级
供应TPU 德国拜耳 345 通用注射品级
供应TPU 德国拜耳 3491A具有稳定性和易脱模的挤塑品级注射熔体温度
供应TPU 德国拜耳 359 肖氏A硬度97
供应TPU 德国拜耳 365 注射注射熔体温度:210-240 注射模具温度:20-40
供应TPU 德国拜耳 385 肖氏A硬度85
供应TPU 德国拜耳 390 应用于齿轮、护目镜框、缓冲器、运动鞋底和脚轮
供应TPU 德国拜耳 5377A 电缆套塑、织物涂覆、表带
供应 德国拜耳 TPU 359
供应 德国拜耳 TPU 359X
供应 德国拜耳 TPU 365
供应 德国拜耳 TPU 365X
供应 德国拜耳 TPU 3685AU
and the moneylender, and divided what money he had according to
the accounts he intended to pay. Having finished this business,
he wrote a cold and cutting answer to his mother. Then he took
out of his notebook three notes of Anna's, read them again,
burned them, and, remembering their conversation on the previous
day, he sank into deep thought.